
4 signs you’re ready to move out of your home office

By Greg Bell

A home office is a great way to start a new business or make a lifestyle change. It's cheap, for one thing, with start-up costs usually limited to some extra furniture and possibly an internet upgrade – perfect for a business that's yet to start turning a profit. Working from home is also convenient, cutting the commute entirely and working around the school run. 

However, there may come a time when you realise your business has outgrown its home office. Here are four signs it's time to move out and consider Gold Coast office leasing.

1) You need a professional space to meet clients

Some businesses work really well at home, such as childminding, for example. However, if yours requires you to meet business clients on a regular basis, inviting them to your home can be uncomfortable for both parties. This is especially true if you can't all fit in your office and spill over into personal spaces.

Having a proper office projects a more professional image and can make your business seem more established – which could encourage your clients to work with you. It may also be closer to your clients, such as in the CBD and may have a reception area or refreshment facilities that they can use. 

2) You can no longer fit in your home office

Is your business paperwork overflowing outside of your office? Is your business expanding to the point where you need to employ staff? If the answer is yes, you need a different space to your existing home office.

If you have a business with stock, it may be as simple as renting a warehouse or other industrial space to store it. However, if it's paperwork that's causing you to reconsider, a purpose-built office allows you the space and facilities to get your business back in order. When it comes to staff, not only may your office location be more convenient for them, offering free parking, for example, it also means you avoid having staff entering your home on a daily basis and all of the security issues that may entail.

3) Are you at work or are you at home?

When working from home, the lines between when it's time to work versus family time can become muddled. It can be so tempting to spend one last hour finishing an earlier task when you're supposed to be relaxing in the evening. Conversely, during the day, knowing you have household chores to do, or playing with the dog can distract you from your business tasks, resulting in a major productivity dip. You're also an excellent babysitting option for your family and friends who don't understand where the boundary between your work and home life sits.

A separate office can really help you to focus on your work during the day, and be engaged with family life after hours.

4) You need to bounce off other people

A home office can be novel at first, and work really well for a few months. However, some people can find being home alone all day isolating, and find their motivation wanders. Even if you're in an office where other people have different priorities to you, there is an energy and buzz about a shared workspace that you can't recreate at home. 

Even the odd coffee break with other workers can give you the quick break you need from your task list, and allow you to return feeling refocused and invigorated. If concentration and motivation are an issue for you, it's time to look elsewhere to get your business back on track.

What are your options?

If the thought of having to get leases and utilities organised makes you feel queasy, there are tons of easy options out there. Co-working spaces are popping up all over the place now, and serviced offices or those with property managers are also available. All of these options mean you run the business, while someone else runs the property.

To take your next step in the business world, talk to the team at Ray White Surfers Paradise today.

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