
3 ways to boost the social media engagement of your business

By Greg Bell

Communication has changed forever with the rise of social media. With beginnings cemented in connectivity and communication, social media websites and mobile apps have morphed from a service to keep in touch with loved ones to being a dominating player for businesses. This interactivity is key in driving engagements and boosting sales. With this considered, it's important that your company takes the right steps to seek the best out of your platform. Here are three of our tips for transforming the social media engagement of your business.

1. Increase your interactions

The world of social media is one of approval seeking. The best aspects of ourselves are published for the world to see, and for us to receive response, "likes" or shares in return. A sense of validation stems from these engagements, which make us feel heard and valued – your customers aren't exempt from this desire. Consider re-posting or replying to social media posts about your business that have been created by other people. By acknowledging their dedication or love for the brand, you're not only engaging with their content, but you're sending a message to other social media users that you care about your customer base. 

2. Create clickable content

Searching on the internet provides a vast sea of information beyond our comprehension. Due to the sheer volume of data, search engines such as Google follow an algorithm to determine which information is valuable for readers. Writing informative blog posts with keywords and appropriate hyperlinks can boost where your website appears in search, as well as expressing the personality of your brand through another creative medium.

An easy way to approach this is by considering the questions your clients may have, and how your business can solve them. Imagine that you own a business that sells hiking boots. As your target audience are those who enjoy hiking, tailor your content to the potential problems they may face, for example, getting blisters while hiking. By writing an article entitled "How to avoid getting blisters while hiking", those searching this term might come across your business, and gain an awareness of your products that they hadn't before.

3. Analyse and adapt

Keeping up with consistent engagements across social media can also help you derive audience insights and learn more about your business. This is crucial in determining what your customers want and how you can improve aspects of your business in favour of your audience. There's a range of software and tools available to help you learn what aspects of your business are being discussed in the public sphere, such as Google Alerts. It's how you use this information that's key – put these insights into your advertising or campaigns for a personalised touch.

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