
Could uncleanliness be hurting your business?

By Greg Bell

With customers coming in and out throughout the day, business owners may complain they simply don't have time to deep clean. The reality, however,  is that the cleanliness of an establishment directly affects its success.

That's because more than half of people (60 per cent) would return to a business more often if it was clean, according to a Procter & Gamble study. Want to keep customers coming in your door? Then whip out the mop and bucket – it's time to spring clean your Gold Coast commercial property.

Tidy up those tables …

Most Australians eat out just two to three times a week, according to a study by Future Food. Eating out then, is a special treat, and when you do decide to spend your money to eat out of home, it needs to be a clean, pleasant experience.

Less than pristine dining room tables and chairs topped the list of the most annoying cleanliness aspects found most often in dining establishment in Procter & Gamble's report.

Even if it means adding more time onto your wait, ensure that tables are sufficiently cleaned between patrons as well as at the start and finish of every shift. If your tables haven't been deep cleaned in awhile or are due for a new finish, make this spring the time you get around to it.

… and the bathroom too!

Not surprisingly, many of those surveyed also reported feeling annoyed by messy bathroom floors and toilets.

To make sure your Gold Coast business thrives, keep your bathrooms clean. One of the best and simplest ways to do this is by implementing a bathroom check and cleaning rotation among your staff.

Keep a clipboard near your customer toilets, and ensure that staff sign off at least once per hour and check things that might bother patrons most – like dirty toilet bowls, a lack of toilet paper or an overflowing bin.

Also, make a rotation for who needs to clean the bathrooms each shift. If the same person is required to do it everyday, quality is bound to lapse. If each staff member is required to clean the toilet just once a week, they'll likely do a better job.

You might need to outsource your cleaning

Some commercial spaces might get so much traffic – or have such long opening hours – that there truly never seems to be a time for employees to do any extensive cleaning. If this is the case, outsourcing your cleaning might be required.

Consider, for example, hiring a crew who can come in and do some of the most time consuming tasks during the nighttime hours when your establishment is free of customers.

If you want to make sure your business thrives, cleanliness is key, but so too is having a great commercial space in a winning location.  At Ray White Surfers Paradise, our helpful team has access to some of the most prime commercial real estate on the Gold Coast. To find out more about leasing or buying a space for your business, reach out today!

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